This page shows all the characters in the game sorted by skill.

  Characters List
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# Character Name Total Skill
1921 arabeus 1733.5
1922 Kull 1733.3
1923 Medea 1733.2
1924 Gallicus 1733.1
1925 gargonaod 1732.5
1926 Sora 1732.2
1927 Nome Generico 1732.1
1928 Yakup Abi 1732.1
1929 JanJan 1731.6
1930 Alinora 1731.1
1931 AiWes 1730.3
1932 Dama Rehuan 1730.3
1933 Stefano 1729.8
1934 Frumorn 1729.6
1935 Proe 1729.4
1936 Valhalla 1729.1
1937 Rain 1727.8
1938 Nayzea Faeryl 1727.8
1939 Darzes Vyebade 1727.7
1940 Morgana 1727.6
1941 Elder Strongbow 1727.5
1942 DyMark 1727.0
1943 yknw 1726.9
1944 keks 1726.8
1945 Mad Martigan V 1726.8
1946 Arnold Paole 1726.8
1947 Bettorio 1726.5
1948 Sirius 1726.5
1949 Rascal 1726.4
1950 Aladirian 1726.4
1951 gnegnegneao 1726.3
1952 Faruk 1726.3
1953 Cincischione 1726.2
1954 Nino Dungeon 1725.8
1955 ROBO 1725.7
1956 Dr.TwisT 1725.3
1957 Yokol 1725.2
1958 Lanowar 1725.1
1959 Gandalf 1724.8
1960 illuccio 1724.8
1961 Vigo di Carpazia 1724.8
1962 Astartes 1724.7
1963 deathknight 1724.6
1964 Maddy 1724.5
1965 Fisher 1724.5
1966 Tortino 1724.1
1967 Vicious 1724.1
1968 Turin Mind 1724.0
1969 TooFast 1723.8
1970 Mambalf Slayer 1723.6
1971 Murdirivia 1723.5
1972 Facelectronic 1723.3
1973 Mastro Geppeppo 1723.1
1974 DellGi 1722.9
1975 Mixela 1722.2
1976 Leiladaaliuk 1722.1
1977 Kurgen 1722.0
1978 borgia 1721.8
1979 Krk 1721.7
1980 Ame 1721.7