The Richest of the Shard

The Richest are all on this page! (Followed by the others)

Page [38/43]
  Total Players: 2526  (with more than zero coins)   (reverse)
306 1.223.088 Hu Xian Hu Xian
305 1.226.281 Imbroken Imbroken
304 1.228.950 Valak Valak
303 1.232.180 Adrian Tepes The Famed Adrian Tepes
302 1.239.950 Feanor The Respectable Feanor
301 1.246.199 Dexster Morgan Dexster Morgan
300 1.259.337 Nasdi The Estimable Nasdi
299 1.261.842 Alexander The Glorious Alexander, Legendary Biologist
298 1.262.255 Spinal The Admirable Spinal
297 1.270.698 Carlise The Proper Carlise
296 1.280.856 Skami The Outcast Skami
295 1.283.901 John Seppia The Fair John Seppia
294 1.286.901 Slimer The Malicious Slimer
293 1.288.167 Cobrik The Famed Cobrik
292 1.290.752 Drugo Drugo
291 1.309.885 Arwen Arwen
290 1.340.831 Meiling The Famed Meiling
289 1.344.975 DerekWinternight The Villainous DerekWinternight, Legendary Mage
288 1.349.796 Astharot The Illustrious Astharot, Legendary Scholar
287 1.361.857 Breaker The Trustworthy Breaker
286 1.366.361 Arya Arya
285 1.366.533 Mandarina Mandarina
284 1.367.839 Servilius The Illustrious Servilius, Legendary Biologist
283 1.379.047 Pablinho The Commendable Pablinho
282 1.379.971 Man Man
281 1.395.937 Faramir Faramir
280 1.410.893 Elrond Elrond
279 1.428.928 Phoenix Phoenix
278 1.440.844 Scatafragnos The Kind Scatafragnos
277 1.475.908 MadMartigan The Famed MadMartigan
276 1.491.968 Kyrotta Kyrotta
275 1.493.098 Khalaryan The Estimable Khalaryan
274 1.502.435 JacquinIII JacquinIII
273 1.503.179 Lucifera Lucifera
272 1.510.217 Ramses The Glorious Ramses, Legendary Scholar
271 1.526.852 Fero Fero
270 1.527.626 Krs One Krs One
269 1.539.599 Mefis The Famed Mefis
268 1.550.643 Kargoth The Honest Kargoth
267 1.575.930 Fastacan The Famed Fastacan
266 1.582.689 Berri Uait Berri Uait
265 1.589.516 Brando Brando
264 1.612.785 Cacahuete Cacahuete
263 1.613.286 Aiace The Great Aiace
262 1.623.423 Woman Woman
261 1.631.928 Man Man
260 1.633.012 Avanzi Picciuli The Honorable Avanzi Picciuli
259 1.644.375 Dopamine The Famed Dopamine
258 1.644.765 Elvelerith Elvelerith
257 1.660.571 Radagast Radagast
256 1.672.262 Jelluk The Famed Jelluk
255 1.678.428 Soreta Soreta
254 1.689.983 Aiur The Honest Aiur
253 1.701.143 Patriota The Famed Patriota
252 1.730.779 Iron The Commendable Iron
251 1.730.910 Eric Draven Eric Draven
250 1.754.552 Dalbe Dalbe
249 1.757.854 Kurogane The Wicked Kurogane
248 1.770.175 Shaila The Kind Shaila
247 1.784.006 Occulta The Commendable Occulta
  Last Update 13 mar 2025 02:48:42