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Mining Macro 20/10/2022 16:39 #1

  • chaskuoi
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Questa macro vi farà selezionare un piccone ed un packhorse che sarà li con voi, poi provvederà a usare il piccone sulla vostra locazione, se durante il mine verrà tirato fuori un minerale, questo verrà messo dentro il packhorse...
A fine giro, se siete ancora vivi, provvederà a muovervi random di un tile.
//those are the directions available
if not listexists 'directions'
  createlist 'directions'
  pushlist 'directions' 'north'
  pushlist 'directions' 'northeast'
  pushlist 'directions' 'east'
  pushlist 'directions' 'southeast'
  pushlist 'directions' 'south'
  pushlist 'directions' 'southwest'
  pushlist 'directions' 'west'
  pushlist 'directions' 'northwest'
//select the packhorse to place ores into
if not @findalias 'PackHorse'
  promptalias 'PackHorse'
//select the pickaxe to use for mining
if not @findalias 'Piccone'
  promptalias 'Piccone'
//if we are not dead we will do this
while not dead 
//get a number from 0 to 7 and save it in alias 'rnd'
random 8
//use the pickaxe and target on your exact location
useobject 'Piccone'
waitfortarget 2000
targettileoffset 0 0 0
//4 sec pause
pause 4000
if counttype 0x19b9 'any' 'backpack' > 0
  movetype 0x19b9 'backpack' 'PackHorse'
//pause half of a second
pause 500
//RND is the result of random 8 as an alias, so we get a random direction and move toweard it
walk directions[rnd]
sysmsg 'Sei morto!'
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Ultima Modifica: da chaskuoi.

Mining Macro 15/07/2023 21:32 #2

  • PicoMarzio
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La macro mi fa andare in crash Uo, l'ho dovuta modificare così:
//those are the directions availableif not listexists 'directions'
  createlist 'directions'
  pushlist 'directions' 'north'
  pushlist 'directions' 'northeast'
  pushlist 'directions' 'east'
  pushlist 'directions' 'southeast'
  pushlist 'directions' 'south'
  pushlist 'directions' 'southwest'
  pushlist 'directions' 'west'
  pushlist 'directions' 'northwest'
//select the pickaxe to use for mining
if not @findalias 'Piccone'
  promptalias 'Piccone'
//if we are not dead we will do this
while not dead 
//get a number from 0 to 7 and save it in alias 'rnd'
random 8
//use the pickaxe and target on your exact location
useobject 'Piccone'
waitfortarget 2000
targettileoffset 0 0 0
//4 sec pause
pause 4000
if counttype 0x19b9 'any' 'backpack' > 0
//pause of a second
pause 1000
//RND is the result of random 8 as an alias, so we get a random direction and move toweard it
walk directions[rnd]
sysmsg 'Sei morto!'

Senza cavallo funziona perfettamente e con mezzo secondo di delay in più.
Sciocco è chi non teme nulla e dichiara di conoscere tutto.

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