
Written by Uoitalia Reborn on . Posted in Classi EN

The common imagination leads us to consider necromancers as evil creatures, unscrupulous and capable of trampling on any sort of ideal or righteousness in order to achieve their own nefarious goals, but it has not always been so. To understand how and why the scholars of death have become instruments of evil it is necessary to go back to the origins of the study of necromancy and the foundation of the Conclave by Lestat de Lincourt.

A bit of history

Many, many years ago, a small group of magicians belonging to the Order of Moonglow began to study and research the dynamics that regulate life and death events in order to find a way to lengthen the average age of existence. mortal to the point of gradually leading it to the condition of eternity.

This investigation, carried out mainly by a certain Ariakan Moontorn, was not limited to theoretical levels but found practical confirmation through a series of magical-operational experiences: Ariakan had managed to discover an ancient formula which, applied to a ritual, would have crossed the boundaries between life and death, even managing to annul the action of time on mortal limbs. The magician tried the ritual on himself... the effect was devastating and completely different from what he and his collaborators expected. The spell transformed Ariakan into an undead, an ambitious and power-hungry liche. The news did not take long to reach the ears of the other magicians of the Order who, stunned by what had happened, decided to end his life of the evil liche and to destroy every trace of the wicked ritual. The battle was terrible but Ariakan managed to escape and hide in an underground crypt of the Moonglow cemetery where he continued his studies undisturbed for several years. In 211,146 years later, a group of brave warriors discovered the crypt of the undead during an expedition to the Moonglow cemetery and through a very violent clash they managed to destroy him. Among the participants in the expedition there was also a certain "Lestat de Lincourt" defined by the people as "a strange creature" due to the his habits and his unnatural pallor. Lestat managed to collect the various books and writings containing Ariakan's studies. The progress that the evil liche had made in the field of necromancy had been immense. After having studied in depth and in the smallest details the tomes found in the crypt of horror, Lestat decided to request an audience with the Order of Magicians in order to obtain permission to establish a Conclave to continue the investigation in the necromantic field. The leaders of the Council offered their support to the Lestat's project but placed as a condition the complete independence of the Order from the Conclave in order to avoid repercussions of any errors committed by the members of the latter on the prestigious Order of Magicians of Moonglow.
Lestat managed to expand the Conclave and remained at its head for several decades... until reason decided to abandon him...
He ended his days inside his tower burned alive by a crowd of commoners and temple warriors by mandate of the Holy See.
Once Lestat de Lincourt died, Azatoth and Nolith were designated as his successors (a creature apparently very similar to Lestat), who began a real "restoration" of the order of necromancers, making it a real "Council" untied by ideals of Lestat and the controls of common magicians. They were golden years for the Council, prestigious names were among the followers and the necromantic investigation made enormous progress thanks to the two leaders who had adorned the then neutral order with glory.
As time passed Nolith decided to abandon his role as Supreme (the reasons are unknown) to go to an unknown place that he never wanted to make known.

The Meeting with Elohim

Nolith was succeeded by a certain Arnis Escrima who, together with the now elderly Azatoth, played a role of considerable importance within the Council. It was precisely these two creatures who met the unnameable Elhoim for the first time.

Rumor of the People is not aware of how this meeting took place, but what is known for certain is that fascinated by the power emanating from Elhoim, the two leaders tried in every way and by every means to come into contact with Him again. Their wishes were satisfied and the contact took place in the underground tunnels of Hytloth where the two scholars of death sanctioned a real pact with the God of Chaos, swearing eternal loyalty on the part of themselves and all the necromancers.
The time of death also came for Anris and Azatoth and the necromancers elected a new High “Chatzuk” who implemented the second great restoration of the Council.
In the meantime, the Order of Paladine, outraged by the change in the Council, and by the faith given to Elhoim, worked to nip the spread of this blasphemous cult in the bud.
The reaction of the death wizards was immediate and the conquest of Nujel'm, the holy city, was a response to their anger.
Nujel'm was conquered and desecrated in a single night: the libraries were burned, the sacred texts violated and the Holy Water fountain cursed for purposes that were only later revealed: the foundation of "Midian City of Death ” founded on ancient symbols of light turned upside down and used for dark purposes.

Union with the wicked

The city of Midian continued its dark studies of death and the rituals that led to the handling of blood and corpses and the game of death by dark priests who fervently joined the evil deity every night in the hope of obtaining the moment propitious for discovering more devastating forms of power. Arween the Dark Elf led the order of priests of Elhoim and held many rituals for long periods in the city of death. Wickedness perhaps took over the souls of many priests and the black city in a single night was devastated by spirits, demons, creatures that came from the depths and razed to the ground. A few priests managed to escape the devastation, but they failed to rebuild the empire that once was.

How to become a Necromancer:

Go to the Necromancer Temple in the Papua area (remember that you need to have a minimum of 80 FOCUS!)

Necromancer Area

Special Notes

Level advancement will depend on the player's good interpretation and his ability to interact with the world around him, in any case it is possible to use the "spell" spell to recover faith points and levels.

The Necromancer's armor is found in the book and he will have to make it with his own hands using dark rituals.
In Liche form he can use the Wizard's Book.


Celebrate unions and baptisms.
He can curse weapons, wedding rings, and wedding dresses.


*Cannot wear any type of armor.
A necromancer can only use one-handed swords, the only concession given by their god for bloodshed.
A necromancer cannot become a Vampire.
**A necromancer is not allowed to use any form of magic, that is possible only in the Liche form.









































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