UOItalia Reborn Staff

Written by Uoitalia Reborn on . Posted in Guide UOI Reborn



[Developer] Chask

[Developer] Jumala

[Seer] Shadow

consuleor uoitalia reborn
Pager, Event creator, PVP Manager, Decorator, Dungeon developer

[Scripter] YgritUOI

consuleor uoitalia reborn
Pager, Scripter, Event Creator, Dungeon Creator

[Seer] OwlUOI

consuleor uoitalia reborn
Pager, Decorator, Event Creator, Dungeon Creator

[GM] SimzUOI

consuleor uoitalia reborn
Pager, Decorator, Event Creator, Dungeon Creator

[GM] ExileUOI

[Scripter] AceUOI

consuleor uoitalia reborn
Pager, Scripter, Event Creator, Dungeon Creator



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