
Written by Uoitalia Reborn on . Posted in Guide UOI Reborn EN

MARTUSK - The animal trader
is now available at the Royal Academy of Britain


Located on the right of the Academy banker, he sells pets for exp.
To interact with him you have to get close and click on "sell" and select the animal.
In his collection you will find some of the animals that were available
from Giantano (and soon they will be removed so that only Martusk can do it).


The animals currently available are the following:

- Grifone Carrot
- Mustang Carrot
- Lion [Familiars / not rideable] - NEW -
- North Tiger [Familiars / not rideable] - NEW -
- White Leopard [Familiars / not rideable] - NEW -


What it is about and useful

The Familiar (NOT TO BE MIXED WITH THE DRAGON) is a faithful and persevering creature but it is not a steed so do not expect to ride it. Similar to desert foxes but much less common as they are only available from Martusk. They will execute your commands and can be used by monsters. Like any other animal in your possession it can be upgraded with slots (7 in total) and resistance stones so it is obviously bondable. Pets are sold ONLY for exps at the Royal Academy of Britain by Martusk.

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