
Written by Jumalauoi on . Posted in Eventi e Quest EN

The Manhunt is a team PvP event where the headhunters will have fun.

Purpose of the Game
The aim of the game is to collect the largest number of heads of the opposing team, heads that can be collected until time runs out.

We are named two foremen, responsible for the tactics adopted by their team and their eventual victory / defeat, the playing field will be the by now tested Fire Dungeon.
Next to the casotti in which one enters from ghost to get over once killed, a new shed / warehouse will be placed side by side which will be used EXCLUSIVELY for the collection of the opposing heads, to enter this warehouse is operated a lever placed at the exit.
There will be no levers in the warehouse: this implies a team game without which you will be able to collect very little.

End Game
At the end of the time allowed the huts will be closed and the players will return to green acres while the heads of each team will be counted.
Obviously the team with the greatest number of heads will win.

In case of equal number of scalps taken, the possibility will be obtained to make the foremen meet to decide who will have supremacy on the opposing team (and also here, the choice of the foreman implies a prudent decision).

The general rules are the same as for Team War, killing and pvp are the masters.
In addition we have the two warehouses: to defend in case one or more elements of the opposing team should break in to plunder the heads, or to attack to decrease the number of heads of the opposing team.

It is up to you, and to your ORGANIZATION, to choose the most appropriate attitude to adopt, in the end they will only count the heads accumulated inside the box placed in the warehouse of your team.

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