Guide to NPCs

Written by Uoitalia Reborn on . Posted in NPC EN

In the world of Ultima Online Italia Reborn there are many NPCs (Non-Player Character or Non-Player Character) with particular game functions.

Outside of some dungeons you can interact with NPCs as you approach. The operating system is very simple: you will have to answer to what you will be asked in this way to access the aspects of the game that Ultima Online Italia Reborn proposes to you, in this case of the Quest.

The other NPCs in the game are the classic sellers with which you can interact by writing BUY (to buy), SELL (to sell) and click once with the mouse over them to get the list of the Skills you can teach yourself, paying the price that they will tell you.

Another important NPC of the game is the banker. It will allow you to access your bank simply by writing BANK. A chest will be opened that is accessible and visible only to you. Inside you can enter everything you want, including the money I remind you, you don't have to take with you. As for the banker, you can make a check writing CHECK followed by the amount you want to put. The maximum is 1 million.

However, there are other special NPCs that should be mentioned one by one. You can consult the guide of each one from the menu of the site.

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