Tamer Contractor

Written by Jumalauoi on . Posted in Guide UOI Reborn EN

The Tamer Contractor is the NPC that allows you to earn all those players who are wandering around the woods in search of animals to tame.

It can be found in the Academy of Britannia, in Ilshenar!
Coordinates: 1012 292 78 Ilshenar's map


To interact with the NPC just click on the same select the talk item, or say the phrase "Give me a quest".

Accept the mission and receive the backpack contract! (it can take 1 every 3 hours)

The contract requires finding a certain amount of wild animals. ATTENTION: once placed in the contract they will no longer be recoverable!

Animals with special colors are not usable, only normal.

After completing the assignment you will receive special coins in your bank called Taming Coins.

Special coins can be exchanged from Giantano in the Royal Academy of Britain.

Badger, Armored Dinosaur and Warhorse:
Mondano horse:

The droppable Special Hiryu Specials are the following:

Too many contracts in your backpack???!

Use the teller's book, which can be purchased by any scribe.
It is a blessed object that you can carry in your backpack.
Example: Scriba Britain Coordinates 1413 1595 30.


To insert a contract just drag it into the book.
Select the required animal using the blue cursor.
The book can contain up to 20 contracts.
We remind you that to receive your reward, you must deliver the single contract to the NPC. You can extract it by clicking on the red cursor.

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