Guide to religious services

Written by Uoitalia Reborn on . Posted in Guide UOI Reborn EN

How to start
Once the Act of Commissioning / Convocation Document has been received, the candidate priest must go to a priest - a quester who is inside the temples. It is enough to talk to the quester and he will give instructions to start the journey, so candidates are advised to read carefully what will be said and given through unlabelable books. If the quest is done correctly, it will take the aspiring priest directly to the place to take the desired class.

The functions that a priest can perform are the following:

Consecrate / curse weapons, armor and magical garments

The Consecrated / Cursed object will increase its durability.

Priest Requirements - 1 Blessed Vial / Cursed Blood
500 Karma points

Perform Weddings / Unions

In order to take advantage of this service, the characters must have their clothes and wedding rings blessed

Priest Requirements - 1 Blessed Vial / Cursed Blood for each object

Perform Baptisms

The priest has the right to change the name of his faithful.

Character requirements - 5000 points Fame
5000 Karma points
the character's Fame will be reset

Priest requirements - Bucket
150 Blessed Vials / Cursed Blood
2000 Fame points
the Karma and the Fame of the priest will be reset at every baptism


The priest can remove the Kills from the character who will request it

Priest requirements - 50 Karma points
1 Blessed Vial / Cursed Blood

A cleric must always have positive Karma otherwise he will not be able to perform rituals.
A necromancer must always have negative Karma otherwise he will not be able to perform rituals.

Skill that combined with the class skill Chivalry / Necromancy enhances the power of priests.

Faith Points

Faith Points are the equivalent of positive Karma points for clerics, negative Karma points for necromancers. The priest can increase them by performing "prayer" / "exorcism" inside the temple until 2000.


Ultima Online Italia - Character Status


There are 6 skill levels that priests can acquire. Every priest is born from level 1, if his levels increase he will acquire more magic and will be able to perform more religious functions. On the contrary, if he loses these levels, he will decrease his spells in the book and also decrease the number of functions he can perform. To increase the level it is necessary to reach 10,000 faith points.

Recession levels
The loss of level will depend exclusively on how the character will be interpreted. Staff members will have the power to remove the level from the priest based on his or her abilities. If the priest gets to lose enough levels arriving at level 0 these will be downgraded by regaining the previous class. The Priest will also lose a level by touching the 0 faith points, visible in the character status.

Sacred vestments
The priest can wear clerical robes or chaos robes that will allow him to increase the recovery of faith points within the temple by 20%. Only the priest can create the garments of his own cult.
skill required - Tailoring


  • The Cleric and Necromancer classes necessarily require the character to play their role.
  • It is forbidden to speak in brackets to create the trick of being able to say what we think is violating one of the fundamental rules of playing a role. Anyone who will defect this simple rule will risk losing a level every time he is caught.
  • It is forbidden to make smileys to express one's moods or speak with consonants, for example: pls cmq BYE ...
  • Obviously to say macro, taming, mining etc ... is not part of the gdr vocabulary, nor words like ringmail or spear, we expect the corresponding in English.


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