
Written by Uoitalia Reborn on . Posted in NPC EN

Giantano the investor is the most famous character of Ultima Online Italia Reborn. His VIP status is due not only to his cheek, but also to his hard job as a Vials dealer and increase your skills in exchange for a small price. In short, a vile dog!

It can be found in the Academy of Britannia, in Ilshenar!

In order to interact with him it is necessary to write "let's make a deal".



  • Every 10 Vials of exp (vials of experience) will increase a random Skill (depends on the class, see below) by 0.2 points. Premium users will be able to choose which skill to raise.
  • For premium users there is also a second option that will allow you to increase skills from 0.2 to 0.3 with the addition of 20k of gold.
  • Possibility to purchase various items in exchange for fenix, coins that are given to you for each donation

  • Possibility to de-race player in exchange for 1500 vials exp.


The bonus account can be activated in exchange for fenix from Giantano after having written "let's make a deal". Here are the advantages:

  • every 10 Vials exp will increase a Skill of choice class (see the skill list below)
  • every 300 dragon blood or 300 snake scales or 300 demon bones will give you 3 specific random vials
  • every 300 obsidian will give you 1 piece of Darkness armor
  • as for basic users, you can continue to trade with donation coins
  • The houses will not be sold for the entire duration of the Bonus
  • After 6 months of inactivity, your bank is not deleted
  • Increased Household Warehouse
  • Skills chosen at 100.0 instead of 90.0 if you create an advanced game.
  • Possibility to create the 7th account in the account!





NO CLASS: with 10 Vials exp will increase random between:
  1. Anatomy
  2. Swordsmanship
  3. Tactics
  4. Macefighting
  5. Fencing
  6. Magic Resistance
  7. Parrying
  8. Magery
  9. Archery
  10. Evaluate intelligence
RANGER: with 10 Vials exp will increase random between
  1. Archery
  2. Tactics
  3. Anatomy
  4. Magic Resistance
PALADIN/TEMPLAR: with 10 Vials exp will increase random between
  1. Tactics
  2. Anatomy
  3. Swordsmanship
  4. Macefighting
  5. Fencing
  6. Magic Resistance
MAGE: with 10 Vials exp will increase random between
  1. Magery
  2. Evaluating Intelligence
  3. Meditation
  4. Magic Resistance
BARD: with 10 Vials exp will increase random between
  1. Fencing
  2. Tactics
  3. Anatomy
  4. Archery
  5. Magic Resistance
  6. Musicianship
CLERIC: with 10 Vials exp will increase random between
  1. Chivalry
  2. Focus
  3. Magic Resistance
  4. Anatomy
NECROMANCER: with 10 Vials exp will increase random between
  1. Necromancy
  2. Focus
  3. Anatomy
  4. Magic Resistance

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