Silvan Elf
The Silvan Elf have matured over time what the Elves had failed to do, or make the most of the gifts that nature has given the world.
Often introverted, they prefer contact with nature, which makes them solitary characters. Over the centuries they have studied the best way to move easily between the branches of the trees without suffering malus and the effects are evident.
They use the intelligence of nature, complex in its simplicity. They do not need to tear the veil that separates the real world from the magical world, therefore they have nothing to do with magic, although they are able to manipulate it to their liking. Physical combat with ranged weapons is the style they prefer given their very high dexterity.
Silvan Elf has increased resistance to fire and energy damage.
Physical characteristics
Stats | Maximum value |
STR | 110 |
INT | 75 |
DEX | 155 |
* The sum of the Stats cannot exceed 280 points.
Where to get the race

You have to go to Yew and go to the following coordinates: East 610 | North 921