Dragon's egg

Written by Uoitalia Reborn on . Posted in Guide UOI Reborn EN

ITEM NAME: Dragon's egg
DROP: All the dragons from the legendary up.
BROOD: Once dropped, the egg can begin to be hatched only 24 hours after it is removed from the monster's body.
after 24 hours, you need the high taming animal skill (tip 200), just double-click the egg and a baby dragon will be released immediately.

You can only have 1 dragon per pg. (If you try to hatch an egg with a dragon already in its possession, the newborn dragon will be born and then irretrievable. The same applies to the shrinked animal.).


  • 1° step Snake
  • 2°step Crocodile
  • 3°step Drake
  • 4°step Vivern
  • 5° step Wyrm
  • 6°step Legendary!

Evolution of the Dragon Egg

RELATED SKILLS: animal taming \ animal lore \ Item Id
animal taming : 200 skill points are needed to hatch and hatch the egg, after the newborn dragon can be transferred to the new owner who may not even have high taming.
animal lore: need to be obeyed by the dragon, otherwise you can't drive it
Item ID: in addition to telling you the remaining hours of the bonding and the free slots that it has, an inscription will appear on the head of your character indicating the level of exp of the dragon and the next step of evolution. newborn will have 0 of 100000 means that reached 100000 will become a crocodile.

TRAINING: To evolve, the dragon needs to bite and receive blows, the more bites it gets, the more beating it gets, the more experience it takes (take it in crowded dungeons and make sure you have good curators by your side).
Attention the dragon uses an air attack that affects everyone! so being under the dragon to treat him with bandages is very dangerous!!

SLOTS AVAILABLE: the dragon at the last evolution will have 8 slots one will absolutely be for bonding the rest is of your choice.
with the new fixes, all the stones work properly.
UTILITY: Double clicking on the dragon's life bar will tell you what sex it is and besides that it will also tell you if it's ready to mate
example female dragon
"this female dragon is not yet ready for mating"
Click on a male dragon to mate.
in the case of a male dragon, no writing will appear since the female dragon can perform the mating action and not vice versa.

Dragons can be born with one of the following colors

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