Private Sellers

Written by Uoitalia Reborn on . Posted in NPC EN

Private Sellers are an exclusive of Ultima Online Italia Reborn to give all players the opportunity to sell their products. Having a shop requires patience and perseverance, a certain propensity to trade, but above all goods and money are needed to open it! We must consider the initial costs, the costs of maintaining and updating the products and make lots of publicity! It sounds complicated, but it's easier than it looks.

Follow this guide and you will have no problems.


How much does it cost?

The purchase of a "Private Seller Agreement" provides for the initial cost of 500k (500,000 gp).

The Private Seller must support the family, so he needs a salary. If you leave even 15k in your pocket you can stay for a few days, so be careful not to withdraw all the money or you will quit without ever being seen again, taking all your stuff with you as a pledge of your debts.

The moment you want to remove / dispose of the vendor you must have at least 100k in the bank, the vendor deed will be returned to you inside the backpack. Pay attention, without the 100k the vendor will be dismissed but the deed will not be returned to you.




To have a private seller, you must contact Rigattiere and purchase the contract.

You can place them in a house private.

Below are the instructions to place it in a building:

First of all you have to buy a house from normal public salesmen. You can choose the one you like most, it is indifferent.

Once your home is placed in a strategic place, you must give the "public house" accesses. To do this, double-click on the sign of your building and, in the Security menu, you will find the appropriate button.

Once you have the private seller's contract, before double-clicking on it, pay attention to the following things:

  • The Private Seller will position itself above you in your same position. If you want to make it stand facing south, you will also have to turn south. Pay attention to this detail as once the seller is positioned it will no longer be possible to move it.

Ultima Online Italia - Gump Vendor Privato

"This menu will appear double-clicking on your Private Seller."
"You can customize it using the relative intuitive keys."


  • The word "Bank" allows you to open your bank through your Seller.
  • The "See Goods" message allows you to open the seller's bank where you can sell your items: The "Take Money" message allows you to withdraw a quantity of money of your choice from the seller not exceeding the value marked on " Money available in the vendor ". It is advisable to keep at least 15k.
  • if you want to sell an item, drag it to the seller's trunk and enter the sale price. You will have to write the price in full, without points, without spaces, without other characters. Ex: 10000 is correct; it is wrong to write 10k: it is wrong to write 10,000.
  • if you don't want to sell an item, drag it to the seller's trunk and then press the ESC key. Usually this operation is done to insert empty bags that will be useful to insert your goods inside.
  • The words "Licensing Vendor" allow you to dismiss your Seller. Before executing the operation you will have to empty it completely otherwise it won't make you do it.
  • The word "Recover Deed" allows you to recover the contract of your seller. This operation costs 50,000 gp.
  • The word "# Of days Vendor salary is paid for" means "Number of days the Seller was paid for". With the money he owns, the seller can remain active for that number of days in the game.
  • The word "Money available in the vendor" indicates the gp that your seller owns. You can also withdraw all the money, but then the seller will disappear after a short time.
  • Sellers placed in the market that remain inactive for more than 40 days will be automatically removed, the daily cost for the market is 3000 gold.
  • The sellers placed at home are not removed due to inactivity (unless the house itself collapses) and the daily cost is 500 gold coins.


it's very simple: double-click on the seller, look at the goods, click once on the item you want to buy, press the "Buy" button.

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