
Written by Uoitalia Reborn on . Posted in Razze EN

Several years have now passed since the last meetings of these strange creatures.
We have tried to narrate a lot about them, above all about their appearance and their habits: cold and emotionless creatures, teeth like sharp fangs and more dangerous than a sword and their wanderings on the borders of the city of Felucca during the night hours .
Only some of the last elderly people left alive continue to tell of their existence but no one now believes in the stories of a fool.
They are vampires, nothing is known about their current existence but it seems that they guard an eternal curse linked to their essence as undead beings.

It is known that vampires feed exclusively on counttilizzando il comando [Vampiro si possono attivare alcune abilità della razza.less amounts of blood to survive. Using some of the vampire's unique abilities can be a huge strain and therefore more thirsty for blood.
The vampire prefers to wander around the big cities illuminated only by the moonlight. He loves darkness, ready to attack the wayfarers. During the day he devotes himself to rest or at least try not to leave his fortresses, the only places of protection.

Physical characteristics

Stats Maximum value
STR 150
INT 150
DEX 150

* The sum of the Stats cannot exceed 280 points.

Using the [Vampire command you can activate certain skills of the breed.

This race got malus from fire and energy damage. He recive also more malus from mage's curses. Has increased resistance to poison and cold damage.

How to get the race:

  • -You can become a vampire after completing a quest.;
  • -To start the quest you need to be Chaos (at least 7 days), human and unclassified;
  • -The vampire can redeem himself (return order) after 30 days of rebirth! This will be applied for all the characters in the account.

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