Newbie Status

Written by Uoitalia Reborn on . Posted in Guide UOI Reborn EN

The newbie status is meant to give new players the chance to quickly reach a good level of play and fun. 

Here below a list of requirements to maintain newbie status:

  • You must not have reached the total amount of 300 played hours. Once reached the whole account loses the newbie status;
  • Don't be criminal, if you commit a crime (i.e. attacking a blue character), you will become criminal for 3 minutes, temporarily loosing the newbie status;
  • The character must not have a single skill higher than 170.0 points. If that occurs, that character will loose the Newbie Status. You may create another PC, keeping in mind that the 300 hours countdown is connected to your account.
  • To help you in keeping the newbie status active as much as possible, the game will warn you when you try to send a skill to 170.1;
  • You must never exceed 3 kills (this means 3 voluntary PC murders). By reaching this number of kills, you lose the newbie status definitively;

NEWBIE skilling system

Each newbie player may access to a dedicated gump when interacting with Giantano within the Trading Citadel. This allows the newbie player to exchange Newbie Vials (the objects shown herebelow).

the objects shown herebelow:

By trading 10 newbie vials, Giantano will increase a random skill within the list of a random value between 0.2 and 0.3 points. The Newbie Vials are not intended for trading, they are objects with the sole intention of helping new players.
Newbies with the Premium status will have the possibility to choose the skill to raise, as per the normal premium system working with the Vials of Experience.
Once the newbie tag is lost, it will no longer be possible for the PC to access to this gump.

Expert players (non newbie) who have the permission to enter newbie dungeons will not be able to loot bodies. Each blue city may choose up to two players with that privilege and their duty will be to help the newbies in growing within the game (and possibly to join the city of their mentors). These players are known as Emissaries.

Benefits of the Newbie status:

    • Part of the equipment cannot be looted from the PC corpse, to include the equipment worn on the paperdoll, plus a certain quantity of arrows/bolts, bandages, reagents, weapons, potions, gold coins and Vials of Experience.
    • Each Newbie will receive in their bank box an amount of Special Coins which may be used to obtain equipment. To do that you have to use the equipment stone located within the Trading Citadel of Britain. More details on the Ultima Online Base Guide.

    • Access to Fortified Citadel of Britain, the Royal Palace of Lord British, an exclusive area for newbie players and for the Emissaries of the independent Cities of Ultima Online.
    • Access to Newbie Dungeons and the possibility of interacting with the Questers Marek and Lear (next to Britain's main bank) and Asmund within the Newbie Citadel walls);

    • and Asmund within the Newbie Citadel walls:

      • Access to the Transport Hall in which is possible to safely travel to each city.

We remind all new users that, to better interact with our community, it is recommended to use our Discord server (invite available in login page, inside game).
For any problem or request for help, do not hesitate to contact a UOItalia Reborn staff member.

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