Skill and Craft

Written by Jumalauoi on . Posted in Guide UOI Reborn EN

Ultima Online has 58 different Skills currently in game (and 1 removed) which determine the capabilities of your Character. You can expend up to 720 points between these however you desire.
In order to improve in a skill you simply carry out the associated actions. For example, if you wish to train as a Swordsman, simply fight Monsters with a sword equipped. Likewise, casting a Fishing Pole out into the water is all it takes to become a better Fisherman. Each skill is associated with certain Stats, which are trained in the same manner.

The List below gives an overview of the skills of Ultima Online. This means, things that can can be learned, not to be confused with stats, which are fixed an can't be improved in any way during the game.

Magic & Healing skills

  • Alchemy: Alchemist do not turn lead into gold; instead, they create magic potions. High level Alchemists can learn Glassblowing, and with Alchemy Recipes, craft 3 special potions and 1 decorative item.
  • Evaluate Intelligence: describes a skill which determines the ability of mages to deal active damage to their opponents, read their mana levels and hold a good defense.
  • Inscription: Inscription is the skill of writing. However, this does not only mean to simply write in books and on scrolls. Once the scribe has more skill, he or she can copy or create magic scrolls, or with the right instructions even whole spellbooks which are superior to standard spellbooks, thus the skill is with useful in combination with Magery.
  • Magery: is basically the ability to cast magic. Without it, even the biggest mana pool is useless. The skill could also be called "casting", as it determines the chance of successfully casting the spell in question.
  • Meditation: is a very essential skillfor a mage, since it determines how fast his or her mana regenerates. The higher the skill, the faster. Active meditation actually increases the rate to double the normal (while nothing else can be done by the player). This skill therefore is essential for Magery, Necromancy, Chivalry and all other mana-based skills.
  • Necromancy: is a different school of magic than Magery. It is a dark art, that deals mostly with death and the dead. To successfully use it, besides Meditation for full mana reserves. The actual usage of the skill is fairly easy, as only a special spellbook with the spells of Necromancy is needed to start training. 
  • Resisting Spells: The name of the skill Resisting Spells  is somewhat misleading. The skill does not grant protection from all spells, but only increases defense against spells that lower stats or ones that last for a specific duration of time. It does not protect against direct-damage spells. Nonetheless, for a Mage, this skill is important, as it lowers the danger of being overpowered by another spallcaster. 
  • Spirit Speak: is more than just what the name implies. It does actually have three different usues which are very different from each other. First is of course the ability to understand the dead. At 100 skill, this always is the case. Also at 100 skill, the dead can speak with the living.
  • Healing: is one of the most essential skills in Ultima Online. Healing not only allows the player to use bandages to heal wounds, but with growing skill and combination with the Anatomy skill will allow to cure poison and even ressurrect other players. The more the skill grows, the better the chances of succes are. The dexterity of the player determines as well, how long application of bandages takes. 
  • Veterinary: is the skill that is like Healing, only for creatures instead of humans. Only with this skill it is possible to heal creatures and pets. 

Battle skills

  • Archery: Archery is the skill in Ultima Online which states how good a character is with ranged weapons. The two main weapon classes in this skill are bows and crossbows. 
  • Chivalry: is the trademark skill of the Cleric, fighter who puts great importance on the meaning of Honor. With a Book of Chivalry (which can only be bought in the city of Luna), the Cleric can cast a number of combat and healing spells.
  • Fencing: is the skill in Ultima Online which states how good a character is with pointed weapons. Long weapons with a sharp tip are all put into this weapon class. This skill is not to be confused with Swordsmanship and together with Mace Fighting and Archery is one of the main weapon skills. 
  • Focus: is the skill and ability of Cleric and Necromancer to enhance their mana regeneration. Since these two factors determine the swing rate and the number of special moves to be used, the importance of the skill is high.
  • Mace Fighting: is the skill which states how good a character is with blunt weapons. Besides said maces this also includes hammers and staves. This skill is together with Fencing, Archery and Swordsmanship is one of the main weapon skills. 
  • Parrying: describes the skill of being able to evade an enemy's blow or deflect it with a shield. Therefore to use this skill, a shield is absolutely essential. Failing to parry negates the shield's protective value. Higher levels actually neglect parrying with a shield and directly block with the weapon, with a bonus for two-handed weapons. 
  • Swordsmanship: is the skill which states how good a character is with bladed weapons. The name of the skill is misleading, since apart from all kind of swords, it includes all kind of bladed and/or sharp weapons like axes, halberds, knives and so on. Not to be confused with Fencing, Swordsmanship - together with Mace Fighting and Archery - is one of the main weapon skills in Ultima Online.
  • Tactics: describes a skill which determines, how much of the base damage of any weapon is inflicted on the opponent. This goes for all weapon classes (Swordsmanship, Fencing, Mace Fighting, Archery and Wrestling). 
  • Wrestling: is the skill which allows a player to fight empty handed. It therefore is a favourite amongst mages, who have penalties on weapon usage, and can use it while still holding their spellbook.                  

Stealth skills

  • Begging: is perhaps one of the most degrading skills. Being the profession of beggars, it essentially involves asking people for a small donation. If someone already has sunk so low, there isn't much hope left, and begging also damages the karma of the player. Should the begging be successful, the gain is either a little gold, or an item of low worth (amout depending on karma again). 
  • Detecting Hidden: describes a skill which allows the player to either find hidden traps or players that have hidden away from sight with the skill Hiding. It should not be confused with Tracking, which just shows the rough location of the invisible being. It is used by searching a selected area. The better the skill, the bigger the area searched and the more thorough the search is. Characters using the skill Stealth are detected automatically, if getting into 4 tiles of the player. The skill always works 100% in the player's home.
  • Hiding: is the skill in Ultima Online with which a plaer literally can try to get out of others' sight. It allows the player to vanish from sight while standing still.
  • Lockpicking: is the skill that allows the player to open locks without using violence, by using Lockpicks to gently unlock the mechanism.
  • Poisoning: is a very dishonest skill, mainly used by assassins to kill people slow and painfully. Essentially, a weapon is coated with poison (mostly from the highly poisonous Nightshade), and then even a light scratch can bring the end
  • Remove Trap: is the skill that allows the thief to disarm a chest trap
  • Snooping: is the skill which is absolutely essential for an aspiring Thief. It allows the player look into the inventory (meaning player and NPC backpacks and pack animals) of others.
  • Stealing: is pretty much what it says. A Thief relieving other characters of money and items, without them noticing.
  • Stealth: is the skillthat is the more refined form of the skill Hiding. While hiding only allows to stay invisible while standing still, Stealth allows movement, may it be to sneak upon an unsuspecting victim, or to silently retreat.

Animal & Sensorial skills

  • Anatomy: can be used in three ways: Passively increases the combat damage you deal. Passively adds amount healed to yourself, NPC's, or other players. Actively check the Dexterity and Strength of another player, animal, or monster.
  • Animal Lore:  is a skill which enables the player to have knowledge about the animals of the wild. Essentially, targeting a creature with the skill gives informations.
  • Animal Taming: It allows the player to try and make an animal to accept you as its master and become a faithful companion. Besides that effect, it also determines the stable slot limit. 
  • Camping: is a skill allows a player to create a camp. In order to create a camp, the player requires some kindling and a bedroll. Use the kindling to attempt to ignite it.
  • Forensic Evaluation: is the skill by which a player can deduce certain details of information about other characters or objects. Its three uses are to determine from a corpse who the murderer is, learning if a living person is member of a thieves' guild and finding out, who picked a lock. 
  • Taste Identification: serves the purpose to determine the contents of potions or potion kegs, and to test if food is poisoned, or not. 
  • Tracking: describes the skill that allows players to detect hidden or invisible characters, monsters, or other NPCs. However, that does not mean they become visible. An arrow points to the direction of the hidden creature. This skill should not be confused with Detecting Hidden, which does make these creatures visible. 

Relational skills

  • Discordance: Discordance is one of the three skills of a Bard in Ultima Online they can use after learning Musicianship. 
  • Musicianship: is the main skill of a Bard in Ultima Online. It has to be learned in order for a bard being able to use music instruments and invoke the other bard skills.
  • Peacemaking: is one of the three skills of a Bard in Ultima Online they can use after learning Musicianship. When used right, it can cause creatures (and players) to stop fighting for some time and is therefore the opposite to Provocation.
  • Provocation: is one of the three skills of a Bard in Ultima Online they can use after learning Musicianship. When used right, it will lure two creatures to battle each other to the death (or until the bard leaves). It is the opposite of Peacemaking. The danger is that should the skill fail, the creatures will attack the player at once.

Crafting skills

Crafting is a term that refers to a character creating items that are related to the skills possessed, the level of those skills, the ingredients employed, and the tools used to create them. Some of the items created by crafting are your run of the mill items, such as: tools, furniture, clothing, etc. However, there is a chance that some of the items that are crafted by the most skilled tradesmen and women will be unrivaled.

The addition of several special items has enabled the workers to create magical wooden armor, weapons, and shields.

In addition to the resources needed to create magic items, be they special wood or rare gems, a Runic Kit of your profession must be used to create such items.

  • Bowcraft: is the skill which basically determines how well someone can turn wood logs into boards and then create weapons like bows and crossbows from them, together with their ammunition.
  • Carpentry: is the skill which basically determines how well someone can trun wood logs into boards and then create items from them. Essentially, carpentry is the construction of all kind of wooden items. 
  • Herding: is one of the many skills in Ultima Online. Herding allows the player to direct the movement of any tamable creature.
  • Item Identification: is a skill that has grown pointless by now. Its two properties are revealing the exact properties of an item, and letting the player determine the sell value of said item.
  • Lumberjacking:  is the skill which basically determines how well someone can chop down trees and turn the wood into boards. However, there is more to this seemingly mundane skill.   
  • Arms Lore: is the name of a skill that not only gives a detailed description of weapons.
  • Blacksmithy: s the skill which aspiring Blacksmiths need to learn in order to create their merchandise. Note that the skill is not to be confused with Tinkering, which is the creation of equipment. The Blacksmith instead creates weapons and armour of high quality.                  
  • Cartography: is the skill which basically determines how well someone can work with maps. The skill does not only involve the creation of said maps, but also the decoding of treasure maps, which can lead to great wealth. 
  • Tinkering: is the skill which aspiring Tinkers need to learn in order to create their merchandise. Note that the skill is not to be confused with Blacksmithy, which is the creation of weapons and armour.                  
  • Cooking: is exactly what the name says, the ability to cook meals from food items. To actually cook means, a player first needs to have the raw food and the utensils rolling pin, skillet and flour sifter. Then an oven needs to be found, although for simpler receipts, a heating stand will do as well.
  • Fishing: is a fairly obvious skill in Ultima Online. This skill allows players to use a Fishing Rod, and later other tools, to try and catch fish from the oceans of Britannia.
  • Mining: is the skill which basically determines how well someone can mine ore and turn it into ingots. A miner does need a pick and/or shovel in order to be able to mine ore in the first place.
  • Tailoring: is the skill which basically determines how well someone can mine ore and turn it into ingots. A miner does need a pick and/or shovel in order to be able to mine ore in the first place.

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