Chask The God

Written by Uoitalia Reborn on . Posted in Guide UOI Reborn EN

Chask the God is one of the strongest and most ruthless creatures in UOItalia Reborn.

To challenge him, besides the presence of a party with well-equipped and experienced characters, it will be necessary to own 6 skulls and go to an ancient altar present in the Papuan desert..

Once you arrive the altar will react giving you the chance to open a magical portal by making the skulls disappear: this is the entrance to the Chask the God room!

ATTENTION: the polimorph spell don't work in this area.

As mentioned above the skulls to possess to challenge Chask are 6 and can be recovered by killing the Bosses of the respective Dungeons:

  1. Covetous skull
  2. Deceit skull
  3. Despise skull
  4. Dungeon skull
  5. Hythloth skull
  6. Wrong skull

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