Bring A Friend Prize

on . Posted in Guide UOI Reborn EN

The prize for those players who bring a friend to Ultima Online is an automatic rewarding system. Here some basic instructions to take advantage of it:
-    The command is [segnalaamico and can be used only by a newbie PC.
-    The prize will become effective only after 100 hours of play.
-    The prize will not be given if the accounts are shared (accounts playing from the same connection).

The newbie PC may signal its friend in two ways:
-    By entering the account name in the proper field and pressing the button next to it,
-    By pressing the Ok button on the bottom of the gump and targeting the friend’s PC with the mouse.

Once the account name has been entered or the friend selected, it can no longer be changed. So, make sure to choose wisely.

To receive the prize both accounts must accumulate playing hours. If one of them never logs into the game the prize will never be assigned.
The prize will be given also to PC that used the command as Newbies and loose their Newbie status before the delivery of the reward. This does not create any conflict with the fact that only newbies may use the command.
The gump appears automatically within the first 15 minutes of the game, then it can be called up with the [segnalaamico command.

We remind all new users that, to better interact with our community, it is recommended to use our Discord server (invite available in login page, inside game).

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