No Class

Written by Uoitalia Reborn on . Posted in Classi EN


The fascination of the mystical skill combined with the desire to excel in any combative art make this class one of the most versatile and used of UOIR.

Masters of gathering resources and crafting items. Comepratively weaker in PVM than other classes, but not in PVP. Each class depends on them because of their ability ability to polymorph himself in Daemon.

To use this class please choose "Advanced" during the player creator procedure.

*Bonus: He can raise all fighting skills to 200.

*Malus: From 70 magery skill points, he can't wear armor.
*Malus: NB: Keep in mind that the main objective of an "Unclassified" is to reach the 140 magery points in order to take advantage of the transformation into a demon.

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