
Written by Uoitalia Reborn on . Posted in Guide UOI Reborn EN

The term Stat refers to the three fundamental statistics, respectively Strength, Dexterity, Intelligence. Each of the three is linked to a characteristic of the character, to the force is connected the number of Strenght (Hit points or Life Points), the dexterity is connected the Stamina (Resistance to fatigue) and intelligence is connected the Mana (Magic Points).



The Stat-Cap is the maximum limit that can be reached by summing the 3 stats. This limit is 280.

The maximum value for each stat ​​change according to the character race.


In the various cities you can find in some buildings the "Stat Mannequins".

There are 3 types:

Force Mannequin (used to increase STR);
Dummy of Dexterity (used to increase DEX);
Thinker (serves to increase INT);

You can also use the stat vials to raise them (vial of strenght, vial of dexterity, vial of intelligence) you can find them in the weaker mobs (and also in newbie dungeons).


Once you have reached the desired values, save the stat:

After opening your paperdoll, click on "Help" and then on "Save Stats". Always check the current saved values, which will appear in the gump, if they are not correct you can repeat the operation.
Finally, if you need to retrieve the stat, open the paperdoll, click on "Help" and finally on "Recovery Stats". This operation is to be done only if you have previously saved the stat, if there aren't any saved stats, this will do nothing.


Phase n.1 - Creation -

After logging in, click on the Razor icon, then on the "Macro" tab click on "New". Write the name of your macro, for example "Str" if you want to macrare the force with its respective mannequin. Then go to "Record" and double-click on the dummy or force or dexterity or on the thinker (depending on which stat you have to macrare). At the end stop the macro (Stop). Click with the left mouse button (in "Actions" on the "Macro" tab) -> "Double Click" and click on it with the right mouse button. Choose "Convert to DClick by Type" (in this way you will have no problems identifying the mannequin with which you made the macro and you will be able to macro actions with all the dummies of that type).

Finally always on Razor go to the "Keys" -> "Macro" tab and put a key to your macro (for example F12) then do "Set".

Done! Your macro is ready.

If you want this macro to repeat, put a pause at the end (right mouse click on the last action and select pause). Then check the loop checkbox.

Finally click on "Start/Run" or press the selected key, in this example it was F12

Enjoy your macro!


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