
Written by Uoitalia Reborn on . Posted in Razze EN

There could be many names to describe the Orcs, but the only adjectives that can describe them best are: huge, crude, smelly.

Their strength far exceeds that of any other race in the world. Certainly they do not excel in beauty, much less in intelligence, perhaps almost less than wild beasts.

They rely on instinct and their behavior creates discomfort among civil society.

They are skilled and deadly warriors in close combat and their fury is a danger to any living form.

* Karma: Orcs are always gray and potentially attackable by anyone. 

Physical characteristics

Stats Maximum value
STR 160
INT 35
DEX 110

* The sum of the Stats cannot exceed 280 points.

Where to get the race

You have to go to Yew and go to the following coordinates: East 633 | North 1489

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