
Written by Uoitalia Reborn on . Posted in Guide UOI Reborn EN

From the Casino hall it is possible to access the Bomberman arena with an automated system that allows you to challenge yourself independently and in total freedom and moreover with a lot of ranking!
The aim of the game is to survive by remaining in the field last, eliminating the adversaries with the sound of bombs and without running into some trap or wandering flame.
The start-up mode is simple: it starts by deciding the size of the playing field (eg 15x15 tile), the type of field (a graphic issue only, eg in stone, wood, etc.) and the number of participants (maximum 8 participants ).
As soon as the number of players is reached, you are thrown into the field.
In the bag you will find an object that allows you to place the bombs with cross flame. Initially the field is very limited, but with the bombs you can create a gap by destroying the destructible blocks of the arena to the sound of explosions. This destruction of the field sometimes brings pleasant surprises like power ups / bonuses (eg increase in the length of the blaze, the detonator to decide when to blow up their own bombs and catch opponents by surprise, speed shoes, etc.).
But eye that you are not alone in the field! Around the corner there are always opponents who can't wait to get stuck with a bomb and make you explode just to win!
The game ends when all the opponents have exploded (by your hand or by their incapacity).


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