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The Tome of the Undergrounds

Below the known world there are underground fortresses carved out of the earth by magic, by aeons of atmospheric agents or armies of slaves.
Once fortresses or huge uninhabited caves, these have become a melting pot of generally abject creatures, powerful and indubitably evil.
They are distinguished in the specific some of which here we will treat when possible of their history or at least of their simple discovery
A warning to adventurers: every dungeon is fraught with dangers as well as secrets. What at first glance may seem like an uninhabited cave could actually be a trap! Be careful and venture with trusted people. The treasures contained in those dungeons are large as well as the risks that must be faced to obtain them

Dimitri Sergjevich, First Keeper of Knowledge




Destard is a dragon dungeon. It is the Anti-Valor dungeon and was first encountered in Ultima IV. On the Felucca facet, Destard hosts a Champ spawn, Rikktor, the Dragon.



Deceit is the dungeon that is the opposite of the Virtue of Honesty. The dungeon first appeared in Ultima IV: Quest of the Avatar. It is a four level dungeon filled with Undead, which hosts the Unholy Terror Champion Spawn on the Felucca Facet. In this instance, the champ is Neira the Necromancer.



Covetous is one of the seven Anti-Virtue Dungeons. Its values are the opposite of the Sacrifice virtue. The dungeon was carved a long time ago into the Mountains of Avarice.



Wrong is one of Sosaria's older dungeons and is located in a small valley north of the Compassion shrine on the Trammel and Felucca facets. This ex-prison is one of the 7 Anti-Virtue Dungeons.

Ice Dungeon

Ice Dungeon

Possibilità di Droppare Rarità

Located West of Wrong, the Ice Dungeon was introduced when the Lost Lands appeared as one of the passages between Britannia and the Lost Lands. As the name indicates, this dungeon has a winter or arctic theme. It is home to all kinds of snow- and ice-related creatures.



Hythloth is one of the 7 Anti-Virtue Dungeons. Its values are the opposite of the Spirituality and Humility virtues. The dungeon is located on Fire Island. There are four levels. Hythloth is largely an Abyss dungeon, where Demon Slayer weapons will serve you well. The first two level consist of low level monsters. On three and four, some high level baddies are combined with a mess of spell casting monsters. Put another way, it's a recipe for disaster.



Despise is one of the dungeons original to Ultima Online. It is considered an Anti-Virtue Dungeon. Despise is located at the sextant coordinates 47º N, 1º W. To get to the dungeon by foot, walk north from the Britain Cemetery and go left through the mountains. Not counting the entrance area, Despise has three levels.



Shame is a dungeon found just west of the Blighted Grove.

Terathan Keep

Terathan Keep

Terathan Keep, which was implemented with the The Second Age expansion, is a Lost Lands war zone, dungeon, and Felucca Champion Spawn location. T

Caverna degli Orchi

Caverna degli Orchi

The Orc Dungeon is located in the Serpent's Spine Mountains. It is a 3-level dungeon complex made up of a series of connected caves.

The residents of the Caves include all of the varieties of the foul race: Orc; Orc Bombers; Orc Brutes; Orc Choppers; Orcish Lords; Orcish Mages; and Orc Scouts. Additionally, there are some low level monsters, namely: Corpsers; Dire Wolves; Earth Elementals; Giant Rats; and Giant Spiders.

Within the Caves are proof positive that the Orcs are an intelligent and industrious race, as mine works, and even railways, are in abundance.

The cemeteries

The cemeteries

Every veteran of a thousand battles had his first in which he was unsure of what would happen and his potential.

Blighted Grove

Blighted Grove

The Blighted Grove is a Mondain's Legacy (ML) dungeon. Like all ML dungeons, it is home to monsters, named monsters, and a Peerless Boss. Entrance requires a Bone Machete in the top layer of your backpack.

Prism of Light

Prism of Light

The Prism of Light is a dungeon that is located on the north side of Nujel'm island.

The prophecy

The prophecy

Dungeons Settimanale

A cry of desperate terror comes from the depths of the woods of Yew, a sinister creature has awakened after decades of cold sleep. Only large trees can fully remember such a hidden and full of tragedy time.

Minòs, the prison of the Elements

Minòs, the prison of the Elements

Dungeon ad Istanza

Minos is a dungeon in the Felucca Islands facet. Built and inhabited by a hostile humanoid race, the Yomotsu, the mine are well known because they are the spawn location for the famous Fire Beetle, upon which you can smelt metal ore.

Within the Mines spawn many conventional monsters, such as Earth Elementals and some other colored-ore elementals. However, there is a dangerous trio of residents: Yomotsu Elder, Yomotsu Priest, and Yomotsu Warrior. The Yomotsu are native to the Tokuno Islands. The Yomotsu Elder spawns in 2 locations within this dungeon, and effectively serve as the dungeon "boss."

Several stealable artifacts spawn here.



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