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Companies starting with T

Terathan Keep

Terathan Keep

Terathan Keep, which was implemented with the The Second Age expansion, is a Lost Lands war zone, dungeon, and Felucca Champion Spawn location. T

The cemeteries

The cemeteries

Every veteran of a thousand battles had his first in which he was unsure of what would happen and his potential.

The prophecy

The prophecy

Dungeons Settimanale

A cry of desperate terror comes from the depths of the woods of Yew, a sinister creature has awakened after decades of cold sleep. Only large trees can fully remember such a hidden and full of tragedy time.

The King of the Troglodytes

The King of the Troglodytes

Difficoltà: medio - Facile

How far can human madness go? Not even the wisest of the wise knows the answer, yet near the noble city of Trinsic there is a place where perversion reigns supreme.

The Queen's Lair

The Queen's Lair

Perched on the high slopes of the mountains that cut the continent of Ilshenar, the Covo della Regina is a relatively small cave system. Its entrance is marked by a series of monoliths dating back to times now forgotten and placed in that position by peoples now lost in the mists of time to win the favor, or appease the anger of the one who lived (and is said to still occupy ) the dreaded abyss.

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