Minòs, the prison of the Elements

Dungeon ad Istanza

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Minos is a dungeon in the Felucca Islands facet. Built and inhabited by a hostile humanoid race, the Yomotsu, the mine are well known because they are the spawn location for the famous Fire Beetle, upon which you can smelt metal ore.

Within the Mines spawn many conventional monsters, such as Earth Elementals and some other colored-ore elementals. However, there is a dangerous trio of residents: Yomotsu Elder, Yomotsu Priest, and Yomotsu Warrior. The Yomotsu are native to the Tokuno Islands. The Yomotsu Elder spawns in 2 locations within this dungeon, and effectively serve as the dungeon "boss."

Several stealable artifacts spawn here.


This is a new "instance" dungeon system, but not as it is conceived in other MMoRPGs, but in a method of our own:
The first group that enters a dungeon, will be able to enter up to a predetermined maximum number of PCs within the dungeon, having entered the first one, which we will call the group leader.
The rest of the group will have to enter within a time limit of 1 minute.
Exceeded this time limit, who is inside is inside, who is outside, will remain outside.
They can access the dungeons, belonging to that group (THE FIRST!):
- Fazionati
- Gildati
- Party
(For now alliances are excluded from access)

Once this minute has passed and at any time, any group of players can enter, as long as it is different from the first group, but in lower NUMBER than these, or half, which we will call PK for convenience;
This group can be mixed, as long as it is not associable to the first in any way, once inside the games begin and when one of the two groups leaves, it can no longer re-enter until the end and RESET of the whole dungeon ...
Obviously some thought was given to the possibilities ... that is, what happens if I approach the dungeon, unaware that there is someone inside? SIMPLE: the dungeon will warn you that it is already occupied and will tell you to leave the entrance within a few seconds, otherwise you will be teleported inside.

Those who defeat Les the Devil and the Lord of the Elements will have a chance of getting their mounts as rewards, respectively.

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